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Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3: same font size as body copy, just bold.
This section contains three heading types (H1, H2 and H3) which each have their own class (also, H1, H2 and H3). The classes make sure email clients don't override the custom styling of this template. Below you'll find an unorderd list and a styled hyperlink. By copying this entire chunk of HTML and leaving out the parts that you don't need, you can create all kinds of sections. Just don't use paragraph tags (<p>), as email clients don't handle those very well.

For unorderded lists, just use HTML bullet points instead of <ul> and <li>, like so:
• List item
• List item
• List item

Hyperlink, in bold print and underlined. The link text always requires a <span>-tag within the anchor tag as an extra wrapper (with the font color specified in the style attribute), because some email clients will override the applied link color.
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Item description one £ 29.99 1
Item description two million five hundred thirty eight thousand six hundred and seventy three £ 123.99 99
Utility Information
The design says this table needs to have rounded corners. Unfortunately, rounded corners are only supported for table cell background colors, not for table cell borders. So...no rounded corners here!
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Section break one
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et ligula sed elit rutrum mattis. Cras ut mauris magna, sit amet mollis tellus. Curabitur id tellus tellus. Integer ac eros ante. Phasellus nec odio mauris, eget dictum dolor. Vivamus sit amet bibendum purus.
Section break two
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et ligula sed elit rutrum mattis. Cras ut mauris magna, sit amet mollis tellus. Curabitur id tellus tellus. Integer ac eros ante. Phasellus nec odio mauris, eget dictum dolor. Vivamus sit amet bibendum purus.
Two column layout
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et ligula sed elit rutrum mattis. Cras ut mauris magna, sit amet mollis tellus. Curabitur id tellus tellus. Integer ac eros ante. Phasellus nec odio mauris, eget dictum dolor. Vivamus sit amet bibendum purus.
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